& becoming

Being & Becoming is a podcast that delves into the journey of self-exploration and personal growth.

In each episode, we explore the dynamic interplay between 'being' and 'becoming' We will delve into the intrinsic paradox of being and existence - that we, as humans, are already perfect in our essence, as pure consciousness. We are complete as we are, embodying infinite potential and timeless wisdom.

And yet, we are perpetually 'becoming' - evolving, expanding, growing, self-actualizing, and striving for our success, health, and greater awareness.

This podcast is an invitation to engage with this dichotomy, to step into a space of growth and awareness while simultaneously embracing the completeness of our current state of being. It is here, in this balance, that we find the magic and richness of existence dancing within its own Self.

Together, we'll navigate these waters, inviting thought leaders, experts, and visionaries from various interdisciplinary fields who will share their insights, experiences, and tools to aid us on this profound journey. Whether it's about physical health, emotional growth, spiritual expansion, or professional success, 'Being & Becoming' is your guide on this path of complete transformation.






& becoming

Being & Becoming is a podcast that delves into the profound journey of self-exploration, personal growth, & consciousness

Episode 1: Consciousness & AI w/ Lamar Moore

Episode 2: Unblocking Inner Freedom (coming soon)

Episode 3: Ayurveda to Ignite Perfect Health (coming soon)

the host


Marta-Kristi has been a long-time serious practitioner of various transformational work in areas of mindfulness, spirituality, yoga, healing modalities, and coaching.

From her earliest childhood Marta-Kristi wanted to know her purpose and the meaning of life. This lead to moving to America by herself at age 17 to actualize her human potential. She has studied, practiced, and facilitated in areas such as applied consciousness, transcendental yoga, transformational work, spiritual traditions, energy healing, non-duality, mindfulness, and holistic wellness.

Today, she is the founder and lead instructor at Unblock Freedom, an empowered releasing and applied non-duality firm that helps people to achieve freedom and liberation, along with being a spirtual guide and coach.

She is inspired to help people free themselves from their mental and spiritual enslavement, by empowering them to dismantle their limitations and connect to their Being.


Her background includes being a facilitator of Sedona Method, ontological-based coach, Certified NLP Master Practitioner, Professional Hypnotist, Emotional Releaser, Life Energy Healer, Qi Gong Facilitator, Certified Akashic Records Reader and training at Tony Robbins, Landmark, Search Inside Yourself, and Conscious Leadership Group.

She’s been initiated and mentored in various spiritual lineages by realized masters in Europe, Americas, and East Asia. She’s an initiated practitioner of Babaji’s Kriya Yoga, Transcendental Meditation, and is a Elohim “Pillar of Light In Service” for giving source energy alignments.

Earlier in her professional career she worked at Silicon Valley technology startups. She was the founder of 11:11 STUDIOS, a digital media and creative agency. She was as a head coach for a global leadership development firm and a leader at spiritual & influencer organizations.

Marta-Kristi enjoys traveling around the world, exploring sacred sites and cultural wonders with her husband. She is also pursuing a degree in consciousness and human potential.